Elodie's blog:
Alexis's Blog:
This is a translation (Google Translate) of the comments on Elodie's blog by Alexis. (see part 1 and part 2 in Archives)
(See also Michael's blog at: Inner Circle of SRCM
Michael, an ex-preceptor from USA, was a member of the "publishing Committee" and a member of Chari's "inner circle". He figures he was appointed and used to oust preceptors not supportive of Chari...Then he was un-ceremoniously let go.) Michael was in Paris, at the hotel where Babuji, Chari, and André Poray stayed during Baubji's last tour. His viewpoint is very interesting and relative to the history of SRCM in North America.
Michael's marriage to an Indian woman was one of the first in SRCM arranged by Chari. Michael's personal blog is at "Journey in the Skai"
Part 3- The Time of Divisions (1974-2007)
Babuji and Chari multiply their travels to the West. Sahaj Marg is spreading throughout the world. He had forty followers in 1965, but reached over 3,000 in 1983. While K.C. Varadachari alerts Babuji about the risks of the drifting of the teachings as early as 1970. But Babuji is older, he is now 75 years old in 1974 ...
1. The battle of Chiefs (1974-84)
The last ten years of the life of Babuji are particularly troublesome. Has he started by appointing Chari so as to better disavow him for the benefit of one of his sons? It will probably never be known and it is the Babuji of earlier times, mysterious and paranoid, seeing conspiracies everywhere against him. All the conditions are now in place to create confusion and many people will take advantage of it.
The attraction of power seduces the ambitious. Everyone is trying to pull the blanket to their side of the bed. Some clans emerge, alliances are formed and un-formed. From here on end, the conditional is the tense to use. As early as 1973, Kum. Kasturi Chaturvedi, Raghavendra Rao and Chari reportedly all asked Babuji to divide the power among them: Kasturi Chaturvedi the north, the south to Raghavendra Rao and Chari outside of India. And Babuji refused.
Some later argue that Chari could have been appointed chairman of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission in 1974. Others say the contrary and that he could have been stripped of his position around 1980 and that Babuji had appointed his own son, Umesh Chandra Saxena, to succeed him. While in Europe, André Poray and Chari play cat and mouse.
It is very different from any spirituality. This dark period lasts a decade and is going on in a climate of suspicion, hostility and slander of all kinds. Both sides trying to better position itself so as to blame the other of attempted poisoning and murder, no less!
2. The triumph of Chari (1984-97)
Babuji eventually died in April 1983, and according to some, it was a suspicious death. Umesh Chandra Saxena asserted his rights despite opposition from Kasturi, Narayana and Chari obviously. He became president of the SRCM of Shahjahanpur, but leaves the power temporarily to Dr S.P. Srivastava, in an effort to calm the spirits. He chairs a working committee which will publish the second part of the newspaper Babuji.
Meanwhile, Chari seceded, settled in Chennai (Madras) and traveled abroad enormously. This smoker of American cigarettes is very westernized and seems to leave a wide autonomy to Kasturi and Rao who accomodate, as if they were taking their original position: the westerners to Chari, to Kasturi, the north and to Rao, the south. If you believe the figures put forward by one and the other, the expansion is dizzying: 20,000 followers in 1991, 50,000 in 1995 ...
KC Narayana, son of Dr. KC Varadachari starts by working closely with Chari. He takes at the same time the head of the SMRI created by his father. But in 1991, because Chari widely exploits the cult of his personality, he (K.C. Narayana) breaks all relations and creates the Institute of Sri Ramchandra Consciousness (ISRC). André Poray, on the other hand, seems to have thrown in the towel.
Therefore, there is not one, nor two, but three missions which lay claim to the spiritual heritage of Babuji: Umesh Chandra's Mission in Shahjahanpur, SRCM (California) of Chari and ISRC of KC Narayana. Not to mention the disciples of Babuji who have remained relatively autonomous in their respective regions, such Kasturi in Lucknow or Raghavendra Rao in Raichur.
3. The Return of the Scavengers (1997-2007)
Thanks to western funds Chari inaugurates the expensive and noisy Babuji Memorial Ashram in 1997, but his strategy of western conquest falters and he returns to India and is haloed for his success. Frictions resurface as he attempts to retake the Indian ashrams that have remained independent.
At that time, Umesh Chandra Saxena, son of Babuji, states that the assets of the Mission are one billion Indian rupees (about 200 million euros), with 700 centers and 70 ashrams while Chari announced 55,000 followers. In 2003, he said he had multiplied by 3 the number of Indian abhyasis in 3 years. Today, it fluctuates between 200 and 300,000 followers, as it is no more at approximately 100,000. That is something to attract the lustful!
Chari is aging and is well aware of it. On April 29, 2005, he appointed Ajay Kumar Bhatter to succeed him. But history is an eternal repetition. Chari has just celebrated his 80 years, he is sick and tired. The Mission has grown considerably, it has been enriched. How to resist the lust that inevitably created this little empire? The appetites are insatiable, there is a potential for power (and money) almost within reach.
The story is repeated. The grandson of Lalaji comes out of the shadows, supporters of Kasturi push her forward and the grandson of Babuji counter- attacks. Not to mention a supporter of the deceased Raghavendra Rao ... Meanwhile, Chari's opportunistic lieutenants are waiting for their time: Ajay Bhatter is designated successor, the wealthy heir Krishna, Khanjee the grey eminence and even Durai, the henchman. They are all there, which one will therefore win?
The battle is already under way. Old accusations of poisoning re-emerge. New ones are emerging. Attempts to intimidate, murder and poisoning, and even of pedophilia and incest.
Reasonable end of the reign… or beginning of a new era?
4 Bibliography –
SRCM® Chari's faction, registered in California in 1997:
To view Documents and Allegations, see this
SRCM Shahjahanpur :
Blog on Kasturi:
Blog on Raghavendra Rao:
the blog of kasturi bhenji has been put just to let people know about her and benefit spiritually and nothing else.
please be clear on this point
she does'nt need ashram or presidence or money...
she is only interested in spritual upliftment of people,
i just created the blog on my own and just because my heart wanted to let people know about her for their spritual benefit and nothing else there is no other motive of putting the blog other then spiritual.
Hi Pandit ji...\
Thanks for your comments. Your comments speak for themselves and I don't see any change that is needed on the articles by Alexis.
I appreciate the "low-key" approach of Kasturi Bhenji, not needing numbers and structures, power and money, and I personally see it as similar to Babuji's and other Spiritual leaders of this lineage (beside Chari of course).
May you be blessed by ONE and ALL!
Dear Brother,
The Blog of Sister Kasturi doesn't intend to attract people and get popularity.
The only aim of this blog is to work for the spiritual upliftment of people and be informational on any guidance they need.
Kind Regards
Hi Akshat...
Thanks for the comment...
I hope that even though Sister Kasturi does not "proselytize" that the organization she leaves behind does not "schism" and that some faction will not start the active process of "attracting" followers...
May she and you be blessed for your concerns and may you all address the concerns of those who don't want SPIRITUALITY to become a comodity as RELIGION has become...Religion is more a SHOW or a SPECTACLE for the ENTERTAINMENT of the MASSES with fancy costumes, rituals, etc...and a very small "SPICE" of SPIRITUALITY...
Its pity that Mahatama Ramachandra mission has been commercialized. Mahatama ji never wanted any institutions to be established . Devotees were treated as family members.Money was not at all in picture. Mahatama ji would have never liked billion dollar missions.It has become game of power and money ,spirituality has lagged behing.
Hi anonymous...
Yes it is a pity but all religions have become "corrupt" in the same fashion...Once there is a Pool of MONEY (POWER), it will attract the "scum" of this world to "control" it...
Babuji should have known better and I believe he did...but kept trying...
Under the care or "Mastership" of Dr. Varadachari was where the Mission should have gone but we can "second guess" till the cows come home and it will not change one thing of RELIGIONS which we can agree with CHARI and BABUJI are "CORRUPT" SRCM is also MATERIALLY bound and by definition not of the SPIRIT but of MATTER and thus CORRUPT...The more ruthless will reach the TOP of the PYRAMID also...IT IS A LAW OF THE MATERIAL...
It's all rubbish and full of prejudices motivated to tarnish the spiritual growth of the abhyasis.
If you see something that is "rubbish", like an adult, discuss it or just go on your way...It is meant for people who still use their intellect and logic, so will not be accepted by those still in a "FAITH" mode... Go and TRUST and have faith if you want to, we want to use our "god-given" intelligence and not be taken in and conned by religious fantasies and apocalyptic prophesies of fanatics, fundamentalists and literalists, and megalomaniacs who think that they represent the ONE, as Vivekananda and Plato would call our UNITY, and not the germanic "GOTHIC" word: GOD...which most religions see as a MALE PERSON who inhabits a "BRIGHTER WORLD" or Heaven... Where is HEAVEN again? Oh a different DIMENSION or in a far-away Galaxy?
Since you were a friend of Babuji Maharaj and know him personally. I would like to ask you :
Kindly enlighten me and other brother abyasis with your personal experience.
Tomarrow being Behenji's( Sister sait Kasturi)birth-day, we shall pray god for her long life and good health.
With kind regards.
Hi Rajan...
You make up your own myth around me. REALIZE THE ONE... and all the rest of our NATURAL human failings and foibles will seem "bearable" even without "myths" to seek advice from. If you "mystify", and place on a pedestal, you will have to tear down and show as "corrupt" so as to become FREE from your created "attachement" As a friend, let me tell you that you are thus building your own TRAP.
Having once tried to use the service of "ONE MAN" (the only "son of god", they told me) for my SPIRITUAL upliftment, I do not suggest to anyone to seek such "upliftment" in the services of a Man anymore, even the services of my friend RAJAN, or "the son of God" himself, certainly not a humble "clerk" called Ram. I have seen many of my past idols (of clay) become dust and disappear. And SPIRIT is still with me and I with IT. My idols were not necessary at all and mostly hindered with "rituals" and "rules" to be OBEYED. I am still with the: I AM THAT I AM of Moses (notice, not "WHO" (reserved for a person)... but "THAT"... meaning a THING or a PRINCIPLE.
I am a friend to Rajan but as I friend, I realize he is a "creation", not the creator, and I would not burden him by sending others to seek Spiritual upliftment from him. The concept of "upliftment" of the SPIRIT as if the SPIRIT can grow or become "up-lifted" is foreign to me, to begin with.
I am friends with my dog, the bears, the birds, Nature, and I do not suggest to anyone to find "spiritual up-liftment" from their services either, although the NATURAL PATH would be IN NATURE but in ALL of Nature...not just one specific part of NATURE as a "POINT" of spiritual Up-liftment, such as one specific BEAR.
I believe in, and what I want is the "realization" of the Divine, not the up-liftment of the DIVINE. The same with SPIRIT...I want to realize SPIRIT, not to have my SPIRIT "improve" or be "LIFTED" is not possible according to my definition of SPIRIT...which is: the spark of DIVINE or of REALITY, or the ONE-ness in ALL.
To rely on ONE part of the ALL as a "point" to realize the ONE-ness of ALL, is to deny the "SPIRITUALITY" and/or the ONE-ness of the rest of the ALL (creation). It also means to become 'addicted" or dependent on, or attached to that point as if it was more important than the other points, even more important than the points that the ALL has place beside us, such as our daily or social friends, our family, pets, etc ... If one can't see the DIVINE in the eyes of a child, one's own child, or a friend, or family, or even in earthly Nature or in the stars, then why would one find it only in one PERSON, even one considered a "friend"?
To realize the ONE, one does not have to GO anywhere or BECOME anything besides what one IS already... REALIZATION is a STATE OF MIND...not a PLACE or a MOVEMENT, or a simply is a STATE of BEING.
So realize the ONE where you can, but seek not only in the corruptible flesh or in the myths or words of another person who is made of "dust" or clay... Make up your own prayers (conversations with the DIVINE or SPIRIT...not rituals to be repeated), to help you realize the ONE... you do not need a DON or a RAM or a CHARI or a KASTURI but just the ONE or SPIRIT to realize. And others will not need a RAJAN either. To lure others to follow oneself or our "FRIENDS" is EGO, and the builiding of an "illusion", as then we can say: "since I knew him, the object of our "mystifying", all will have to follow me to find out what our "IDOL" said" or what he/she was like.
Do not a spiritual leader of spiritual follower be. SPIRIT is ONE. In Spirit, there is not "a first or a last"... no leader and follower... no Master and disciple.
The true Master should be the servant, the friend, not the GURU or the TEACHER or the leader to be "OBEYED" on the "threat" of going to "hell" or of being "lost". How can I teach you about your path as I am on MY PATH and do not walk your path.
BE at-one with the ONE and the ALL (creation or NATURE). If you chose any other POINT to follow, you will become attached. The ALL is in MOTION in all DIRECTIONS (scalar)... If you follow one point, then FOLLOW ALL. As Jiddu Krishnamurti said: Spirituality is a "pathless path". Let me tell you like a friend, and as a brother: "That is true". Realize the ONE and the ALL, and these could be the best years of your LIFE.
Mr.Don..I am sorry,I differ from your statement " Make up your own prayers (conversations with the DIVINE or SPIRIT...not rituals to be repeated), to help you realize the ONE... you do not need a DON or a RAM or a CHARI or a KASTURI but just the ONE or SPIRIT to realize".
what my experience says,If we want complete freedom from this bondage of life and death,we must seek the guidance and grace of a worthy guru to realize the un-known spirit or God.
Hi Rajan...
Your statement begs the question: What are you doing reading my blog?
You will not find your "guru" here? You will not even find a person who believes in the necessity or the efficacy of the guru system, if that can be called a "SYSTEM". It is more like: "Here is your guru, OBEY him" (a male) ... If a guru could save us, then the ONE and REALITY would not be JUST and FAIR. To be worthy of realizing the ONE, one has to be "FREE", SOVEREIGN and RESPONSIBLE for one's own actions. To simply obey the GURU, a Person, means that the GURU, if he is SOVEREIGN is worthy of realizing the ONE, but the disciple who is a "co-dependent" is not worthy of realizing the ONE on "his own" without the GURU "holding the "dependent's " hand just like a person holds the hands of the toddler (child). That child will not be allowed by our society to "drive a car" until she/he can be "responsible" for it's own LIFE and the LIFE of the others it will possibly endanger.
Our justice system is then more just than the ONE as you see it, if the GURU can be responsible for the actions of his "dependents"...
You would do better to go and find a GURU of and on your own, than to read blogs which do not support or fill your "needs" and who refuse to supply you with your addictive "opiate" (faith-based religion), that will then make you dependent on another person... I will not do it for my sons and family. I certainly will not do it for my friend RAJAN...
Just a word of caution as a "friend"... If your chosen GURU asks to you kill your mother, as Chari in his book alludes to in a "story", DON'T OBEY, and tell others to also not obey, for the sake of your KARMA.
From Chari's book, Heart of the LION
(By the way, the LION is a predator, not a "lamb" or the "deer/antelope" (the victim), who gets eaten, and being a vegetarian, does not eat the lion back, as it does not eat MEAT so it must be "more spiritual"??)
This is the kind of "only friend" Chari is...
"....So I repeat, the Guru is the only friend. In fact, I have said this so often, that in the Sufi philosophy, the Guru is called Friend. "The Friend is coming". Because he is the only fellow who can give his life for you. He is the only fellow, therefore, to whom you must hand over totally, a Power of Attorney....."Do with me as you think I deserve to be done with. Kick me when I have to be kicked. Beat me when I have to be beaten. Curse me when I have to be cursed. But make of me what you think I should be eventually, because only you can do it."
"So once more I say this in all humility....if you must have a Master, find a fellow who is capable of, you know, throwing you around, beating you up, cutting you to pieces. Remember Parushurama's father and the stern test that young boy had to make for obedience...."Kill your Mother". "Yes"..."
"He pulled out the sword and cut off her head. He said, "I am pleased with you my son. Ask for anything you want." He said, "I want my mother alive." And He said, "So be it." and she got up and walked off. The Guru is the Master, when you say of destiny, it means life and death. He must be the Master of your life as he must be the Master of your death."
(From Heart of the Lion, Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari-see references)
If the Master had any morality, ethics or any "enlightenement" at all, he would, at the very least, say: "Kill the guru, if the Guru you chose asks you to kill anyone!
The mother is "innocent", and does not deserve to die so RAJAN can get to BLISS, a narcissistic physical "sensation".
This is corrupt THEOLOGY and the MIND has to be "USED" as a tool so as to see its "corruption". If the Master asks you to "OBEY" to the point of killing the mother, and you have agreed to "OBEY", you will never see the corruption of that MASTER and will, with blind faith, go the the same "state of being" as other religions who kill so as to "please god"...a very minor and corrupt god.
Go in peace and don't come back in a "jihad" against your MOTHER or your family and friends, and simply claim that you are "simply OBEYING" the GURU... USE YOUR BRAIN...that GREY MATTER in the skull...
The heart is a PUMP (a slave).. not a tool for thinking or deciding...
There is a better way than that...called SPIRITUALITY or a relationship with SPIRIT, or ONE, not a MASTER or a GURU who, if not now corrupt, can become corrupt at any time and ask you to do "immoral" and "un-ethical" things so as to receive his "rewards" of useless "titles and volunteer positions" in this life, and "karma" on the other life, of course.
But the action will be yours and you will take responsibility for it in, and by KARMA... the ONE is JUST. It is a Fair REALITY. The GURU will not be able to take your place and be killed in your place in your next LIFE... He may not even be there at all. He may be on Venus, while you are elsewhere. That is, unless he becomes like "CHRIST" and uses LOVE, COMPASSION, CHARITY, and rejects KILL and DESTROY (families) and/or divide and conquer, as his tools.
And you should certainly not "KILL the MOTHER", the heart of the family in other societies, and your "lineage" in this physical life, and expect to be called a "FRIEND" or "elevated" and be "welcomed" in our countries.
You already see, if you want to read, the corruption of this "Mission", at the physical level, in the business dealings and the "court battles for control of the MATERIAL. You already see the "intellectuallly" (MIND) flawed theology, if you want to read. So SPIRIT-uality serves to do what exactly? If it does not hone the intellect to a PERFECT LOGIC and does not hone the EMOTIONS to a "compassion and love, and charity", then what is your spirituality for?
Babuji said: "the bird needs both wings to fly" but also, two wings are needed so as to fly straight. With this SYSTEM of "obedience", you could be flying in circles and think that you are getting somewhere but since you are made to obey and not to "think for yourself", you will never REALLY know if you are advancing or simply "looping".
Have a safe "BLIND FAITH" journey!
Well.. Don ..your letters and experience speaks your simplicity and subtle understanding of spirituality. No doubt your inner spirit might answer all your prayers but not with all and sundry alike me, that's why i have to peruse a guru( Babuji Maharaj), and of course, by his benevolent grace i could find my Home-land.
Thank you for your kind replies to all of my queries.Kindly convey my best wishes to brother Micheal.
Your ever loving friend.
May you one day realize that you are indeed and have always been HOME... I pray you will realize it one day with gratefulness.
There is no "outside" nor "inside" of the ONE hence no "insiders" or cursed or damned ... There is no GOAL to reach. There are no "greener pastures".
Spirituality means to accept one's fate and what some call REALITY and be grateful.
You are blessed!
Your friend
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